Hi Garth:
Interesting that you have slugs to enter your hives. I had a hive that
was extremely aggressive one day. Yes, it had slugs in it.
Someone had been target practicing and peppered the front of the hive
with 22 cal. slugs.
Just a little humor for your smart cat.
Bob Neely
Goose Creek, SC USA
On Tue, 20 May 1997 09:54:33 GMT+0200 Garth <[log in to unmask]>
>Hi All
>Just saw the ppost about the ants and the guard bees behaviour to it,
>with the buzzing and pointing the abdomen.
>I have observed a few interesting things trying to get into bee
>hives. Ants get in at night it seems. By day I have watched my guards
>buzz the ants away with their wings. Bigger ants are actuallyy lifted
>away and on one or two occarions I have seen two bees actually grab
>an ant and pull it apart. I don't know whether that was the plan or
>whether they both just wanted the pleasure of carrying the thing
>A while back I read abouut slugs in hives. Most of my beehives have
>slugs in them. The slugs go in in the vening and spend the night on
>the top board, where it is nice and moist and wwarm.
>I have also come accross snails in the beehive on a few occaions.
>The slugs and snails seem to move too slowwlyy to be noticed.
>Keep well
>Garth Cambray       "Opinions expressed in this post may be those
>15 Park Road         of Pritz, my cat, who knows a lot about
>Grahamstown          catfood."
>6140                       *[log in to unmask]*
>South Africa               Phone 27-0461-311663
>In general, generalisations are bad.
>But don't worry BEEEEEE happy.