In article <v0310281fafa2e1747c20@[]>, "Paul Cronshaw,
D.C." <[log in to unmask]> writes
>I know that Brother Adam has been discussed at length on this list, and more
>recently there has been a request for Buckfast queens.
>A friend of mine handed me a copy of an article on Brother Adam written in the
>"World Press Review" Jan 1997 issue.   I have OCR'ed it FYI.
>My question is: who is continuing his work?
>Paul Cronshaw DC
>Cyberchiro and Hobbyist Beekeeper
>Santa Barbara, CA USA
Peter Donovan, who was Brother Adams assistant for many years, is now
the apiary manager at Buckfast Abbey. In fact, he gave two presentations
("My work with Brother Adam" and "Queen Rearing and Introduction") at
the Spring Convention at Stoneleigh about a month ago. He assured the
audience that he was continuing Brother Adams work in the way that
Brother Adam had taught him.
Paul Walton
Email   : [log in to unmask]
Toddington, Bedfordshire, England.