Hi All,
Just to let you know, I am not unkind when I say to a mom  "too bad you're
baby isn't BF" or some comment like that.  I say it nicely, and always
smile.  I may even ask why she didn't BF.  Did she have problems, no
support, etc, etc.  I'll say what I do and offer asisstance for the next
baby.  And sometimes, I just keep my mouth shut because I get tired of the
lame excuses.
I agree that the formula industry is a main cause of so many bottle fed
babies, BUT...
People make their OWN decisions.  Formula is not forced upon them ("feed
your baby formula or we'll take him away from you"), they make a choice to
put this stuff in their kids when it is not needed.  (I know, there are
times when it is needed, and I have no problem with that.  My 2nd son needed
it for 2 weeks.)  I am frustrated because these people are not making an
informed choice.  They are blindly following propaganda and advertising, and
I think that is sad.  If no one says anything to moms and dads (because I
talk to them too) then no one will get the message.  Or, at least, it will
take far longer to get the message out there.  There are so many stupid
myths out there about who can and can't BF and when you shouldn't BF, as we
all know, and more than once I have had a mom say to me, "Gee, I wish I had
known you when....I would have tried to/continued to try/continued
to...Breastfeed  my baby".
Eggshells belong on eggs, not under our feet.  We should not feel bad, or
hold back info on BF just to protect uninformed moms and dads.  As long as
we do it nicely, with respect and with love, I see no problem, I see only
more babies being BF as a result.

Jay Simpson, CLE
Sacramento, CA
Mama Milk is the Greatest!