Welcome to the Apinet! This dedicated international network has been created to encourage productive and healthy beekeeping by facilitating links between extension workers and others who advise, educate and train present and future beekeepers. We hope to enable multi-lingual communication on the Apinet - you may use your own language whenever you wish!
Honey bees are an essential component of the agricultural environment. As beneficial insects, they are vital for the pollination of many crops, as well as producing honey and other bee products for human use. Apinet aims to reduce threats to beekeeping caused by the spread of Varroa and other pathogens. Where significant losses of bees have occurred, many experienced beekeepers have stopped keeping bees. Not enough new beekeepers, especially young people, are being recruited and trained to help or replace those beekeepers who find themselves unable to adapt or cope with new management techniques.
Apinet was initiated by John Goodman of the CSL National Bee Unit and Europea. It is continuing to develop with the help of other like minded organisations and individuals throughout Europe. With your help, it will evolve into a world wide network with the potential, via the internet,  to benefit extension workers and the beekeepers they serve in countries all over the world. If you are interested in Beekeeper Education and Extension, why not use the API-NET to network with colleagues in other parts of the world, making new contacts, exchanging information and finding out how they are helping beekeepers, farmers and others who depend upon the work of honey bees, to face new challenges.
The CSL National Bee Unit is part of a UK research agency, the Central Science Laboratory, which works in the area of bee disease control and research and provides an extension service for beekeepers. EUROPEA is the European Agricultural Education Association, an EU wide organisation serving the agricultural education and training sector. It enables teachers, students, extension workers and others to collaborate nationally and internationally.
Although there are Europea associates in all EU member states, we still do not have beekeeping extension contacts in some countries. We are also looking for links outside of Europe. If you are interested in joining the net or helping to establish a network in your Country, please contact John Goodman in GB. If you know of others who may be interested in the API-NET, especially in other countries ...  please send them this information, thank you. HAPPY CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR!
John Goodman Tel/Fax: +44-1833-690561 ([log in to unmask])
Glebe House, Newgate, UK BARNARD CASTLE, Co Durham DL12 8NW
Bee-Net: web.inter.nl.net/hcc/Hug.Bee (Case Sensitive)          [log in to unmask]
Europea: www.agro.stoas.nl/aoc/grdelta/europea                  [log in to unmask]
CSL National Bee Unit, Sand Hutton, UK YORK YO4 1LZ             [log in to unmask]
Tel/Fax: +44-1904-462000/462111                                                 (ref: apinetd)
BEE (Beekeeping Education and Extension)  API-NET
Central Science Laboratory                                      National Bee Unit
Tel/Fax: +44-1833-690561 (24hrs)                                Glebe House, Newgate,
Mobile:  0374-775163                                            BARNARD CASTLE, UK
Email: [log in to unmask]                              Co. Durham  DL12  8NW
Ref: letapic                                                            22nd December, 1996
Dear Colleague,
API-NET BEE (Beekeeping Education and Extension) NETWORK NEWS
This letter is to bring you up to date with Apinet news. Following Europea meetings in Italy and Ireland, I can now report that both the CSL National Bee Unit and EUROPEA are very interested in helping to establish the Apinet. During the Irish meeting guidelines were laid down for the effective operation of such thematic networks within Europea. However, we still do not have named bee extension workers in some countries.
We have been offered further valuable help with internet access in Holland, this time via the Bee-Net website. In addition, over 100 potential networkers will have been mailed directly of whom about half have already indicated an interest. Enclosed is the most recent information sheet (which you might like to pass on to others who may be interested) together with a copy of an EFB Questionnaire (this is also on the www - responses and comments will be most welcome). I should also be most grateful if you would let me have an Email address where I may contact you. This will enable us to keep in touch much more easily in the future. I will also then be able to circulate Email addresses to all the networkers. Information will still continue to be available on the internet at: http://www.agro.stoas.nl/aoc/grdelta/europea and http://web.inter.nl.net/hcc/Hug.Bee. If you have access to a website for Apinet news, please let me know in order that I may pass on the details.
The Netherlands will host the next Europea Assembly, probably in late May 1997. They have invited Apinet members to meet at the same time. Since Holland is very accessible to many of you, this would be an excellent chance to meet fellow networkers, appoint national coordinators and plan future activities.. When I have more information on the venue etc I shall contact you again. In the meantime, you may wish to make a note in your diary. Perhaps, you would let me know if you would be interested in such a meeting. Europea generally meets about twice per year, usually in the  country which holds the EU Presidency. However, we can be more flexible should you wish and hold meetings elsewhere.
Thank you for your continuing interest and support. Please dont forget to let me have an Email address. I look forward to further developments in the New Year, in the meantime, may I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and Good Beekeeping in 1997!
                                                Yours sincerely,
                                                (John Goodman)
                                                International Coordinator, Apinet
PS I shall be travelling via Malaysia to visit New Zealand in the Spring (Mar-Apr). If you have any beekeeper contacts en route - please let me know. I shall pass on details of Apinet during my visit!
BEE-NET: web.inter.nl.net/hcc/Hug.Bee   EUROPEA:  www.agro.stoas.nl/aoc/grdelta/europea
CSL National Bee Unit, Sand Hutton, YORK YO4 1LZ United Kingdom          Tel/Fax: +44-1904-462000/462111
APINET BEE (Beekeeping Education and Extension) NEWS
As I mentioned in the last APINET NEWS, the next Europea General Assembly is at the end of May in the Netherlands. This will be combined with an Apinet Meeting to which you are invited. Brief details of the programme are outlined below. The Europea (European Agricultural Education Association) General Assembly is held every six months and is usually hosted by the Member State which holds the EU Presidency. During this gathering there will be a chance to discuss Apinet business. Additionally, there will be plenty of opportunities for informal discussion outside the main programme. Since Holland is very accessible to many of us, this would be an excellent chance to meet fellow networkers, review progress to date and plan the way forward. Please send me any proposals for future activities which you wish to discuss.
28MAY ETA MAASTRICHT (also Poster Sessions which may include Apinet Information)
29MAY SEMINAR (EU Agriculture/Policy/Subsidies) & WORKSHOPS (Agric/Educ & the Euro)
30MAY   WORKSHOPS (Agric/Educ & the Euro) & THEMATIC NETWORKS SESSION (Apinet)
01JUN  ETD MAASTRICHT (Cost of lodging: fnl 600.00)
Apply to: Madelon de Beus (Europea) [log in to unmask] Tel: +31 73 656 7967 Fax: +31 73 656 9765
Copy to: John Goodman (Apinet) [log in to unmask] & @csl.maff.gov.uk Tel/Fax: +44 1833 690561
[PS I am having some difficulties with email, you may need to send messages to both of my addresses!]
Apinet Website - Membership Details *
EU Honey Proposals & R&D Funding
State Support (Beekeeping Extension)
EFB Questionnaire & KBV in Europe
Varroa Treatments (Essential Oils)
Key National Contacts (Beekeeping)
* For the benefit of Apinet members, I am looking into the possibility of additional website pages where key membership information can be published in order to help existing networkers to make contact with others who have mutual interests. Present proposals are detailed below.
Profiles:       networker/organisation profiles in any language with a summary in a second language
                (500 words in 1st language + 100 words in 2nd language).
Education:      networker education provision eg lecture programmes, specialist publications etc
                (200 words, one language only); to include distance learning initiatives etc
Extension:      extension programmes provided for trainers, beekeepers and related trade
                (200 words, one language only); including training of trainers
Research:       general areas of interest (research and development) of Apinet members
                (200 words, one language only).
Initiatives:+   collaborative initiatives (inter- and trans-national) which are already underway
                (200 words, one language only); including those open to further participants
Proposals:      new proposals for collaborative ventures in which participation is sought eg seminars
                (200 words, one language only); meetings etc covering any areas of common interest
+ Such an initiative might be a regular extension carousel (eg training of trainers), where participants would have the opportunity to visit other members countries on a rotating basis to find out more about their activities. There could be a special theme, with the opportunity to visit beekeeping enterprises, extension initiatives and research and development establishments etc. Each participating country would take it in turn to organise/host the event.
*** NB Do I have an Email address where I may contact you? This will speed up communication in future. ***
CSL National Bee Unit, Sand Hutton, YORK YO4 1LZ United Kingdom          Tel/Fax: +44-1904-462000/462111
John Goodman, Glebe House, Newgate, BARNARD CASTLE, Co Durham DL12 8NW United Kingdom
APINET: http:// web.inter.nl.net/hcc/beenet/apinet.htm  [log in to unmask]   [new address!]
EUROPEA: www.agro.stoas.nl/aoc/grdelta/europea  [log in to unmask] [new address!]