On Sun, 11 May 1997 08:11:55 -0600 Eric Abell <[log in to unmask]>
>At 02:15 AM 09/05/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>I am using a division board feeder and have noticed a bunch of ants
>gathering on top of my inner cover.  Any suggestions on how to prevent
>>Jim Meehan
>Kill all the ants in the area.   :)
Glad I am not an ant!  Just kidding :-)
Last year, I believe, there was quite a discussion on ants.
One idea suggested was to put a container, like maybe
an old film container with small holes (smaller than a
honey bee-obviously) in the cover and put poison inside
& place it under your hive if there is room. There were some
good suggestions for poison. I think one idea involved
using Borax?
Perhaps whoever suggested the Borax could pop on line
again with the formula or what have you.
Al Needham--Scituate,MA,[log in to unmask]
*A New Kind Of Web Site - Honey Bees Or Wacky Humor*