<<I gave her info on the moist wound protocol (using hydrogen
peroxide soaks) but she preferred saline soaks (I had told her about
that before I found the h.p. soak info in archives).>>

No offence intended to the author, who sounds like she has gone the
extra mile to successfully help this mother. But soaks are NOT part
of the moist wound protocol. "Moist wound healing" is a technical
term used to describe a wound healing technique that covers a wound
with a dressing, wound packing substances or appropriate topical to
facilitates healing without scab formation, using the skin's own
internal moisture. Soaks do not do this. Moist wound healing is
achieved with dressing, wound packing substances or topicals with
suitable properties.

Off my soapbox. I don't want to be pedantic, but I wince when
colleagues lose credibility by being less than professional in their
use of technical terms, knowledge of anatomy, physiology, whatever.
Especially when there are vultures around waiting to pick holes in
what we say. We need to be credible, although sometimes that is still
not enough.

Ros Escott BAppSc IBCLC
Tasmania, Australia