>Lactofree is described as milk-based, lactose-free
>(no milk sugar), designed for babies with common feeding problems (such as
>fussiness, gas, diarrhea) when due to lactose sensitivity

Kathy, thank you so much for posting the PR information; now I know at
least what they are aiming at. I'd like to chew this up a little further:
Do you all believe that babies have can lactose sensitivity? Can they
really be intolerant of something that is naturally occurring in human
milk? Or is the lactose of the various ABMs of a different form than
human and that therefore can cause sensitivity?  I've always felt that it
was the foreign protein that usually caused trouble with ABMS, not
lactose per se.  But I'm not a specialist in this area and would love to
hear the opinions of those who are more knowledgeable.

-Lisa Marasco, BA, IBCLC