I've only been on LACTNET for a week and have enjoyed listening and learning.
My name is Barbara Hayes, a nurse and childbirth educator, who is very active
with the local breastfeeding Coalition, north of NYC.
As a former HM/HB Coordinator, I'd like to bring Lactnetters up to date on
the National HM/Hb Breastfeeding activity.  There is a Committee at the
national level, chaired by Brenda Lisi, IBCLC and the group is now at work on
a pamphlet for working mothers.
For information on breastfeeding activity in your state, contact your state
HM/Hb coordinator or Leslie Dunne At the HM/Hb headquarters in DC,
[log in to unmask]
(yes, they do share a building with ACOG) . Leslie can give you the name of
the local coordinator and put you on a mailing list!
Barbara Hayes, RN