I inspected my strongest hive last Saturday 4/26/97 and found eggs in the
queen cells along the bottom of the second deep. I use a slatted rack. This hive was
requeened last fall.
        What are recommended courses of action. I have a four frame
and a five frame nuc available. I have ordered a queen, I'm not sure when
it will arrive. I have no extra drawn deep comb.
        My choices seem to be:
                - make a couple of nucs to reduce the population
                - let things alone and see what happens
                - do a split with a new queen
                - do a split without a queen
                - put on a third deep and checkerboard the with
                        new foundation and the comb from the two deeps.
                - ?
        What should be the timing for any of these and what should
I be loooking for? I'm not trying to maximize my honey production as much
as I'm trying to learn as much as I can.
        Jim Moore
        Second Year of Beekeeping
        4 hives (3 std, 1 tbh from package 4/17/97)