I'm writing in response to the mom who plans to rotate breastfeeding and
bottle feeding with her triplets. Her scheme sounds incredibly
complicated and I'm afraid it just would not be practical with real life
babies.She should plan to spend alot of time doing little else but
nursing and to get help at home .  Page151-152 of  The Premature Baby
Book by Helen Harrison and Ann Kositsky ( St Martins Press ) gives an
account of one mother's experience nursing triplets.  I did not agree
with some of the breastfeeding information in the book.
 However,The authors have done an excellent job describing most of the
serious medical problems of prematurity in understandable terms. They
have also done an excellent job describing the emotional turmoil of
parents facing the critical illness of a child, not only during the
crisis but in the months and years that follow.

Mary Graden LLL Leader in Idaho.