Dear Lactnetters:
Three parts here:  1)for Kathleen Bruce's request re illness of mother with
potential for her causing harm to child and then numerous calls to doctors,
E.R.'s,etc.  I believe you may be referring to Munchousen's Syndrome by Proxy
(unsure about spelling)..but a very good thought in the case re Anne Robb's

2)My update on client with deep breast pain posted earlier.  THANKS for the
many thoughts posted here and to my email.. I have spoken to her again and
found out she inadvertently misinformed me and candida was not even a
consideration by the two docs she saw (her OB/gyn). That was why she
apparently said no culture was done.  All she was checked for was mastitis
and when I asked her about yeast or infections, she said her docs said she
was fine and to switch this "older" (then 12-13 months) baby to formula (she
has not). Plan: talk to her docs again, possible third opinion (I encourage
all this).  She was happy that someone finally "cared."  (Incidentally, she
was told by a friend to use cabbage leaves for this!)  I will follow-up and
let you all know.
3)Some new prospective lc's have been reading postings and do not know what
 the abbreviations mean. (Ex. IMHO,BTW,DH,PPH, etc.)  I have explained some
of them, but I don't know them all either and some are non-medical. (Is IMHO
 "in my humble opinion?...just a guess) My question: is there some way to
occasionally publish a "legend," for those that would like it?  Maybe once a
month or so.  Then those that want to can print a hard copy to "speak the
language."  What do you all think?  Anyway, I am pretty new to Lactnet and
think it is super. Thanks again.
Linda Pincus, RN, IBCLC  [log in to unmask]