dear all la leche league types,

i have emailed anne privately in the interests of timeliness, but would like
to remind all lll leaders that any calls that show signs of difficulty or
danger (to anyone, but especially the baby), need to be referred to our
professional liasion departments. here in the colorado/wyoming area, we have
a list of red flags/yellow flags to help us to know when to consult our
professional liasion reps.

i am trying to recall all the events in this sad story, and i think that when
the various doctors dismissed the situation over the phone without seeing the
baby, would have been a good time to consult a prof liasion, and at the point
we are at now in the story, our pf department would probably be the correct
one to decide about contacting social services, a doctor, the mom, etc.

just so no one agonizes privately about liability, etc. sometimes it's feed
the baby, all else be damned.

carol brussel, llll and da