<<<   'The fatty acid [docosahexaenoic acid, known as DHA] in mothers' milk is
vital for proper development of the brain and to give it protection from
schizophrenia.  When all mothers breast-fed their babies, schizophrenia was
virtually unknown in Britain.  But with the advent of bottle feeding -
early last century - the disease gained a foothold.'
   His survey, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, shows that
seven out of ten schizophrenia patients were not breast-fed.">>>

Hmmm, I don't know. There have been several theories about causes for
schizophrenia, eg lack of attachment, or 'the western society'. Today reseachers
think it's a brain disorder. Fact is that the schizophrenia rates are pretty stable
throughout different cultues.

If seven out of 10 schizophrenia patients were not breastfed, then 3 out of 10
were. I think that's equal to the bf rate in UK from 30 years ago.

(Not that I want to questionize the value of bf, of course, but this sounds pretty
unbiased to me).
Annelies Bon
bf counsellor in training