I'm working with a mom whose 10- month- old was recently weaned because the
baby had a lead level of 16 and the mother had a level of 50.  The older
sister has a level of 5 and the dad 3.  They live in a university housing
complex.  The university has been turning her apartment upside down looking
for the source.  So far they've checked the water, paint, dishes, etc. and
found nothing.  The doctor is blaming the baby's high level on the mother's
breastmilk (of course!).  Is this valid?  In Ruth Lawrence's book I read that
lead is not very available in breastmilk because it binds with the
hemoglobin.  I also have seen references in other sources that ABM may
contain a higher lead level than breastmilk (is this variable depending on
the water source for the ABM?). The baby has been sick with a fever and ear
infection for 10 days - 2 weeks after starting on ABM.  The mother would love
to start breastfeeding again.  We are also wondering if the baby received the
lead in utero and if this should be a concern for subsequent pregnancies.
 Any and all help with this will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.