A mother at my daughter's ballet class had to have her daughter's labial
frenulum surgically clipped when her permanent teeth came in because it was
causing a gap between the two teeth.  Her baby also appeared with the same
problem so she consulted with supposedly the best pediatric surgeon in the
area and had it clipped last month (he is 8 months old).  Only problem was,
the surgeon wasn't paying attention and clipped the frenulum under his tongue
instead, and did such a bad job that the poor thing had to be fed with an
eyedropper for days!  Needless to say, the mom is so traumatized that she
won't reschedule the surgery with anyone and will just wait until his teeth
come in and see how it goes.
  She was told that a baby must have general anesthesia for this but an older
child would only need a local because they would cooperate better.
  BTW, both children nursed fine but the space between the teeth was the
Lezlie Densmore