EAM>From: Edward A Markus <[log in to unmask]>
   >Date:         Mon, 14 Apr 1997 23:28:46 EDT
   >Subject:      HeartsHomeFarm: HeartsHomeFarm: Question: Warming 55 Gallons
EAM>   A not so new but still struggling beekeeper (myself),  asks,  now that
   >have  I found a source of HFCS I feel I can afford , how the heck do I
   >reliquify a barrel of this great product?  1.  cheaply  2.  easily  ??
I would not touch any HFCS syrup that is not liquid. HFC prices are at
very low point right now and I can think of no reason to take a chance
on any old stock or damaged goods.  HFC does not normally granulate
unless it has been mis handled by the addition of contaminates.
                        ttul, OLd Drone
BTW It was not very long ago that much damage and loss was caused by
feeding "off grade" HFCS syrup. Don't know if the beekeepers who lost
thousands of hives ever got a settlement, but for sure they are looking
a little closer at any sugar they buy.
 ~ QMPro 1.53 ~ Imker, Bienenzuechter and Bienenvater