I have a story then a question.
I have this hive that I requeened the other day. The queen was still in the
cage after a few days so I went ahead and released her. As soon as I let her
out she went straight to an open cell og honey and started eating. She had
been in the queen cage for a few weeks with attendants. My question would be.
I thought that I read that the other bees feed the queen and that she did not
eat on her own. So why then would she have been eating honey. And she wan't
just looking to see if the cell was empty she stuck her head in there for a
good long time.
    Also for those of you that are interested. I put grease patties with
wintergreen oil on this hive a few days ago. It has quite a few varroa mites.
And I don't belive in putting on Apistan before the honey flow. And my hive
that had patties with oils in it in the winter did great so I thought that I
would give it a shot here.