>Nancy and all,
>     I've always thought there should be a handout for the grandparents of a
>BF baby.

Nursing Mothers Association of Australia had (has?) a lovely reprint for
grandparents. I have not had any in stock in the past couple of years but
used to carry them with me to every home visit.  NMAA is easy to order from
(I order from Canada and even the delivery time is fast) and has a great
selection of reprints. Some of the word usage may be different than north
america but I have not found it a barrier.  If you have not already done so
it is really worth looking at their catalogue (as all of our southern
friends already know).  Some of the topics (like coping after infant death)
are not available elsewhere.  Australia now has the highest per capita LC
rate -- how about letting us know about some of your other excellent
resources guys!
--"Without interest and passion nothing great has ever happened in history.
               Rhoda Taylor, B.A., IBCLC   Duncan, B.C., Canada--