In a message dated 97-04-09 19:11:18 EDT, you write:

<< p.s.  The baby didn't die from cosleeping - he had ammonia levels of
 2500.  No one knows why.

 Debbie Codding, RN, BSN
 Oak Harbor, WA >>

Debbie,       Remember my post about the baby with citrulinemia?  When the
body cannot process the amino acid, argenine, the ammonia levels become
toxic. It's a metabolic disease like PKU.   The baby I worked with had an
ammonia level in the 400's when he was hospitalized with seizures.   We have
a neo here who did research on this condition at the University of FLorida (I
believe).  Please e-mail me if you want more information.   This baby
presented with "poor feeding",  spitting up and his mother had TONS of milk
and a forceful letdown.  They did a barium swallow at 3-4 days of age.  He
was jaundiced, finally  lethargic and not eating when they sent him for a
bili -he seized at the hospital.    This baby was in ICU for some time and
does obviously have some residual deficits. He is was maintained on carefully
calculated EBM and a medication that helps with digestion of protein.  Liz
Flight, RN, CLE, IBCLC