Have shared this story before with CLCA so feel free to fast forward
Had a mom nursing triplets  some time ago,   who introduced a bottle
at three months because she was going to a wedding. One of the girls
refused to take the bottle and was cup fed in moms absence. The
second girl  happily took the bottle and went easily back to the breast.
The third baby a boy, took the bottle and refused ever after to go back
to the breast.
I often share this story with moms who ask me about introducing
bottles because I think that one of these three things can happen
and we don't know which baby will be the one to refuse to go back to
the breast. But we are lucky in Canada that moms usually have 6
months home (except of course those self employed).

Also had a mom who returned to paid employment planning to
nurse longterm, whose babysitter refused to cupfeed  her 8month old.
He began refusing the breast after about three days, much to moms
surprise and disappointment. Second baby however is still nursing
( with bottles in her absence ) .

Ruth Bacon  IBCLC  Ontario