Hello, question for all:
A mom called today with the following : baby was 5 weeks premature, over
5lbs. Now home and one week post-partum. Said she was given IV clindamycin x
3 days. She is concerned because baby's stools are lime green. I asked her if
they seem to be changing toward expected color -she BF other babes- and she
said baby had one stool last night yellowish and watery but now lime again. I
asked about smell and she said earlier BM smelled like the medicine "it
smelled like my mouth tasted", but isn't smelling so strong anymore.
Hale/1993 reports that this med "may produce alteration of GI flora. Consider
alternative antibiotic" . Does  this med's possible alteration of GI flora
sometimes manifest as lime stools? Mom has been off the drug about 4 days
now. She says nursing is going well, baby stooling after every feed, nursing
one breast/session to ensure hindmilk delivery.  Comments/suggestions? Thanks
in advance.           Judy Fram, Brooklyn, NY <[log in to unmask]>