Dear Evonne,
Our sympathies are with you about your sister giving up breastfeeding and
your sweet little nephew missing out. What your sister did was protect the
long term, close, relationship with her "significant other".  Even though you
are her sister, she is not living with you daily nor dependant on you for her
day-to-day physical and emotional support.  Unfortunately some long term
relationships often take priority over lots of other things --  correct
information --  the well being of the baby -- the relationship with other
family members -- the mom's own wellbeing.
This has nothing to do with facts or information. It has to do with emotions,
dependance,  and psychology.  Love yourself. Love your sister and her baby.
 It is the hardest when it is someone close to you.
Jane Bradshaw RN, BSN, IBCLC
Lynchburg, VA

<<  To skip details her significant
 other was not supportive and so she GAVE UP!
   My feelings are if I can not influence this person with my own 14 years of
 bf my children, and my 10yrs as a IBCLC, than what hope do I/we as
 professionals have of influencing strangers in the VERY short time we have
 contact with clients?
   If any of you have experienced similar heartbreak please let me hear from
 you. Personally or here on lactnet.
   I am learning to love my nephew and not hold it against him, but I admit
 is different.  He is not as soft and relaxed, reminds me of long term NICU
   Thanks for letting me vent.  Evonne >>