Janet McMillan wrote
<<The other thing to consider with this mom is that she may be struggling
the elimination diet.  It is very easy to feel deprived by having to
eliminate dairy products.  They seem to be everywhere.  Helping her focus on
what she can eat, may be just the encouragement she needs.>>

I've avoided milk products for years due to three babies & myself being
sensitive to them.  I used to feel a bit deprived.  But if this mom has
access to a food co-op/natural food store/whole foods she should be able to
find so many substitues she won't feel in the least deprived.  There are rice
& soy milks (I prefer Rice Dream to cow milk, personally), non-dairy ice
creams, sorbets, all manner of processed non-dairy candies & food, and more.
 In many baked goods that call for milk, water can be used with little change
in the finished product.  I've helped many moms with fussy/gassy babies over
the years by suggesting dairy-free diets.  If that's the problem, nothing
else is going to help.
Chris Mayou