I'm curious about bees drifting to downwind hives.
Does the height of the entrances make a difference? From the
diagrams below of three arrangements of 2 hives ( labeled S
and N) facing east and the prevailing breezes toward the North
what would be the predicted population differences.
        I would expect in all three cases the northern hive N
would get the drifting bees. My real question is which of them
would get the most A,B or C.
        Opinions based on experience or reaseach results would
be welcome. Also general observations about long lines of
hives would be of interest. For instance is it the case the
the hive receiving the drifiting bees tends to be on the
cranky side, the better producer, or neither or both?
        Thanks in advance,
                Jim Moore
        Arrangement A.
   |          |
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   |          |   |          |
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   |__________|   |          |
       |  |       |__________|
       |  |       |__________|
       |  |           |  |
       |  | S         |  | N
        Prevailing breezes >
        Arrangement B.
    __________     __________
   |          |   |          |
   |    --    |   |    --    |
   |          |   |          |
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   |__________|   |__________|
   |__________|   |__________|
       |  |           |  |
       |  | S         |  | N
       |  |           |  |
        Prevailing breezes >
        Arrangement C.
                  |          |
    __________    |    --    |
   |          |   |          |
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   |          |   |__________|
   |__________|       |  |
   |__________|       |  |
       |  |           |  |
       |  | S         |  | N
       |  |           |  |
        Prevailing breezes >