
Am very pleased to add to the Netherlands working moms response, that we in
Israel are seeing an increase of working mothers successfully nursing longer
their babies despite returning to work, part time, full time, at home, or in
the office.

As information is getting out there, these mothers are finding out ways to
enjoy breastfeeding their children despite having to return to work.

There are no studies, however, I see a real change in the questions that
mothers who call us are asking. There are far fewer calls on how to wean
when returning to work and more on how can I make it work when I am
returning to work. There is more effort to make work more flexible, educate
bosses on breaks to pump or long lunch breaks so to nurse a child in a
nearby center. More women are asking for longer maternity breaks.

Our local women's teacher college has opened in its building a child care
center. Many new mothers are benefiting from this and enjoying much longer
nursing experiences. They bring their babies to the college and only while
they sit in their classes are their babies in the center.

Israel is a country with a very high number of working mothers. Many woman
for financial reasons must return to work.

Devorah from Israel