I vote for "artificial infant milk" for the *exact* reasons Beckett Miller
mentions.  Artificial infant food works for me too.  My youngest was
diagnosed with galactasemia through routine newborn screening & on artificial
infant milk for a week till tests deemed it benign galactasemia and
breastfeeding resumed.  Glad I didn't have to feed her SIN!  Though I felt
like I was, believe me!

RE: Lora Gleatons friend who dislikes the term artificial, saying it's not
artificial/plastic.  Sorry, but it *is* an artificail imitation of real
infant food!  Let's call it what it is (or isn't!).  Modified cow's milk and
modified soy milk have some merit, too, but since so many people think cow's
milk *is* human food, I'm not sure it makes the point clear enough that if
you feed your baby artificail infant food, you are choosing second-best.
Chris Mayou