Stephanie Ryan RN BSN IBCLC wrote:
I talked to a mom today exp. breastfeeder who found a lump.  She is
scheduled for a biopsy - possible lumpectomy next week.  I've searched
the archives and I'm wondering if those of you with experience in this
area could give me some guidance for her.  Surgeon has not said either
way about continuing to bf or not.  She wants to continue if at all
possible and I just would like to know what to tell her.

My experience is personal.  I had a lumpectomey while nursing a 2-yr old, as
I recall.  This was about 15 years ago.  The surgery was done quite close to
the nipple but the doc knew I was breastfeeding and wanted to continue.  I
nursed just before the surgery, but kept my daughter off that breast
afterwards, telling her that side was sore.  Things seemed to be going along
fine until about a week later (poor memory...) when the wound broke open and
breast milk poured from it!  My husband was gone and kids were sleeping--I
just stood over the sink and cried while it flowed out.  I honestly don't
remember what happened next.  I imagine I called the clinic, but I certainly
don't recall it being re-stitched.  Probably I just put the "bandaid" back on
and continued to let it heal.  I also, amazingly, cannot remember if I then
nursed this child one-sided for the next several years, or if she got back
onto the affected breast.  I nursed two subsequent children without any
problems.   I do know an intern or student or some less-experienced person
did my stitching (I was under local anesthesia for the surgery)--so my only
suggestion would be to insist on an experienced doctor from start to finish.
Chris Mayou