For all those who expressed interest:
Forwarded message:
From:   [log in to unmask] (Janice M. Riordan)
To:     [log in to unmask]
Date: 97-04-02 11:07:55 EST

<fontfamily><param>Times</param><bigger><bigger>Thanks for inquiring
about the Internet  breastfeeding course offered by Wichita State
University, School of Nursing. N791F is 3 hour graduate credit course,
Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, taught entirely on the Internet. The
course is open to nursing and non-nursing students and focuses on
clinical topics that prepare the student for clinical practice working
with breastfeeding women and infants and for certification by the
International Board of Lactation Consultant Certification.  Dr. Jan
Riordan, a certified lactation consultant and international authority
on breastfeeding, is the course instructor. A college degree in any
area (does not have to be nursing) access to e-mail and the internet
and basic computer skills are required.   Preference will be given to
students with a background in working with breastfeeding dyads.

The next class will be held Fall, 1997.  Registration is April 21 to
August 6.  Classes start the third week of August. Admission to the
graduate school, a requirement, is a simple process of filling out an
application (call 316- 978-3095 to request form) and supplying a
transcript.   The registrar's phone number is 316-978-3055.  "Touch n'
Roll" telephone registration can be done by calling 316-978-6500  to
register for N791F: Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, (Line #8850).
Graduate credit cost is $109.05 per credit hour.

        For more information on class content, visit the WSU Web Site at

        Open "Virtual Classroom" and click Breastfeeding and Human Lactation.
Dr. Jan Riordan can be reached at Wichita State University 316-978-5737
(office & voice mail) or e-mail: [log in to unmask]


>I recently discovered this site on line and am very interested.  Could

>please tell me when the next course might be offered?


>Thank you,


>Cara Horowitz-LLLL, WIC counselor

<bigger>Janice M. Riordan EdD, RN

Associate Professor of Nursing

Wichita State University


Fax 316-682-0749

Web Page:</bigger>