I recommend you use no wire, only hair pins in the eyelet holes to take
the bow out of the foundation.
Ben Davis
On Sat, 5 Apr 1997 08:32:33 -0500 Greg Hankins <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>>If you are
>>only planning on a couple of hives try ,forget buying an embeder,too
>>costly plus unless you have the time it eats it up using one.The
>>foundation that Steve recomends would probably sufice. Using the
>>foundation you have now without embeding it will only create a major
>How important is cross embedding the foundation if it will only be
>used in
>the brood nest? Is the extra support primarily to enable the comb to
>the force of extraction?
>I plan only a few hives and expect to forego the use of an extractor.
>I was
>raised on good ole-fashioned hand-processed Appalachian chunk honey
>plan on putting my harvest up that way as well.
>Greg Hankins                       Mt. Gilead, NC
>[log in to unmask]