Hello Lactnetters!

My name is Ann Davis and I am an LLLLeader in Dayton, Ohio.  I have three
children, all breastfed, 13, 10, and 2.  I am a second generation LLLL, for
which I credit the ease with which I breastfed all my children; it was all I
knew how to do!  I have been a  Leader for a little over 2 years, and
presently am associated with two groups: one in an middle to upper income
suburban area, and one in a lower income area (meets in the WIC conference
room).  There are differences, but I see more things in common than not,
despite the warnings of the Leaders who asked me to help (hi Geneva and
Linda!)  I also enjoy doing outreach for LLL, particularly talking to medical
students locally.  For some, it is all they will learn about breastfeeding!
 I give them plenty of handouts, and hopefully they will keep them and use
them.  Doing outreach to high school students is also very interesting!

I joined Lactnet last week desperate for some information for a mom, and I
still am, even after searching the archives.  So I am appealing to all you
busy people to help improve my knowledge base.  I am helping a mom who is
anticipating nursing her third child (she is just pregnant now, first
trimester), but had problems that defeated breastfeeding with the first two.
 I am concerned that part of her problem may be more than low supply problems
caused by baby, but have been unable to find enough information about primary
lactation failure, insufficient milk syndrome or other stuff to compare her
info to.  There is a lot to her situation that I would rather not post
online, but if someone is willing to post me privately, I would appreciate
the help.  So far my APL and other online searches have not come through for

This is a great resource that I have been enjoying a lot, when I get the
time!  Thanks to you all!

Ann Davis, LLLL in Dayton, Ohio