Okay, you're gonna love this one (especially all the RNs out there).  I
had a doctor say to me that there was no high quality research on bf.  I
said "WHAT?"  He then elaborated that all the research conducted on
lactating women was by nursing masters students (as in RNs getting masters
degrees).  Yes, I could have jumped all over him for negating the value of
nurses performing research since they probably had more training then he
did, but I took a different tact.

Well, after taking a deep breath and smiling I hit him with my concealed
weapon that I always carry...a few of the LLLI BF Fact Sheets-including the
1997- and a Breastfeeding Abstracts. I then sat next to him and went over
all the journals listed and the degrees that the various researchers had.
After a half and hour, he apologized and said that he obviously was
misinformed.  One down, 495,000 in the US to go (I'm assuming a small
percent like the MDs on LN are already up to speed).

: )Chris Hafner-Eaton, PhD, MPH, CHES, IBCLC  email: [log in to unmask]   : )
: )HSR & Health Educational Consultant        voice/fax: 541 753 7340    : )