You say in regards to a couple of hobbyist hives:
>Spray grass with Roundup where you don't want it to grow,
>not to much,you don't want big dead brown spots. You now can
>ride your mower up close to the hives slowly, don't want to hit them.
Why recommend a chemical to control grass around hives? I have two
hives and I just kneel to the side and either pull up or just simply
clip the grass big deal with a two or three hives.
Why should anyone want to ride a mower around hives anyway?
We all know that kind of noise may aggravate them.
If someone has big commercial bee yards, I could understand
the economics of Roundup & etc.,or some such.
An strikes me that we humans are getting lazier & lazier
with all our 'alleged' labor saving devices. I can see the use of
a ride-em mower if someone has some physical problems or a giant
My 2 cents....:-) [ With inflation over the years, we really
devalue our thoughts with 2 should probably be
'my $10,00 worth these days]
Al Needham--Scituate,MA,[log in to unmask]
Author Of "The HoneyBee"--An Educational Program
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