I LOVE these, because moms need ways to reply that are not all defensive.
 Liz, yours were GREAT!
When my 3rd child was 1 year old our local LLL group was doing a fund raiser
and selling coupon books for local merchants.  The salesman came to my door
to give me the books.  He knew what organization I belonged to and my baby
was in my arms.  He said in a very amused voice:  "Are you still
breastfeeding?"  I said yes, of course and left it at that.  1 YEAR later her
came again to sell us more coupon books.  His 2nd sentence to me (child now
standing at my side) was "Are you still breastfeeding that child?"  This time
I was ready for him:

Looking him straight in the eye I said in a very concerned voice:  "YOU
certainly are concerned about this.  Why do YOU think it bothers YOU so much?
 I bet YOU have never been around breastfeeding have you?"  He went "Oh, I
guess not." and left.

Turning it around to addressing his obcessive concern was great.  It was,
after all HIS problem, not mine.

Jane Bradshaw LLLL, RN, IBCLC
Lynchburg, VA