Forwarded message:
Subj:    Fwd: Giardia, Lactnet
Date:    97-03-23 06:33:42 EST
From:    DFAngalet
To:      Mamadanz

Fellow Lactnetters -

A fellow LLL Leader has asked me to share this situation with your for your
consideration and wisdom -

<< "I need information on drugs used to treat an infection with the parasite
 Giardia.  A friend of mine is pregnant and has this parasite (has been
 living in Russia, is in States now).  She went to a doctor who told her
 that they can't kill the parasite while she is pregnant, the drugs would
 hurt the baby; they can only help her stop vomiting.  But she was told
 that after the baby is born, she will have to take a drug that will
 prevent her from breastfeeding for at least a month, as it "will give the
 baby tumors."  No, I don't know the name of the drug, sorry."

 I would add to this that the BAB mentions metronidazole
 (Flagyl/Protostat) and furazolidone as possible drug treatments for

 >would help to know how far along into the pregnancy she is

 Six and a half months, I think. >>

Please respond privately and give me permission to share your response with

Thanks so much!

Sheila Angalet
[log in to unmask]
Forwarded message:
From:   [log in to unmask] (Evelyn E Clark)
To:     [log in to unmask]
Date: 97-03-22 23:39:44 EST

Dear Sheila:

On Sat, 22 Mar 1997 21:46:20 -0500 (EST) [log in to unmask] writes:
>current co-Leader is also on TLC and I've asked her to send you

Thank you!

This is what I posted to TLC:
"I need information on drugs used to treat an infection with the parasite
Giardia.  A friend of mine is pregnant and has this parasite (has been
living in Russia, is in States now).  She went to a doctor who told her
that they can't kill the parasite while she is pregnant, the drugs would
hurt the baby; they can only help her stop vomiting.  But she was told
that after the baby is born, she will have to take a drug that will
prevent her from breastfeeding for at least a month, as it "will give the
baby tumors."  No, I don't know the name of the drug, sorry."

I would add to this that the BAB mentions metronidazole
(Flagyl/Protostat) and furazolidone as possible drug treatments for

>would help to know how far along into the pregnancy she is

Six and a half months, I think.

>say she
>was not in this country?

She was in Russia, but she's here now to have the baby.

> Sound good?

Sounds great!  Thanks!  Hope this is enough information; let me know if
you need more!
