Forwarded message:
Subj:    Lactation consultant sought in MD, USA
Date:    97-03-27 22:58:32 EST
To:      lactnet@@library.ummed.edu

Dear Lactnetters:  I have been corresponding via email with a mom in Silver
Spring, MD for awhile.  She has a complicated mastitis/thrush/damaged nipple
problem.  She has been working with an MD and two LC's, and no one has been
able to really help her.  She's ready (and has already started) to wean her
21 month old off of the affected breast, and will continue to offer the
unaffected breast until he naturally weans.

I can forward our correspondence to anyone who is geographically close to
this woman and who is interested in getting involved.  Please email me
privately ASAP if you fit the bill.  <[log in to unmask]>  LC's, MD's, etc.
welcome, but must live close by.  TIA!  Robin Perry-Carroll, LLLL, Nursery
Magic--Unique Accessories for the Breastfeeding Years