Thank you to everyone who responded to my concerns. I saw mom again on
Saturday and she will try TOTAL elimination diet for 2-3 weeks before
contacting allergist. Her friend is on this diet so she will get ideas and
Watched baby nurse and he is very restless at breast (on and off several
times before establishing a steady suck) .After  a few minutes he gets
restless/frustrated again but if mom puts nipple shield on he goes back to
breast for rest of feed. I looked at his tongue again and function is limited
(though mom not sore) Baby took in 2.4oz. from one side during my visit. I
really encouraged her to get doctor to clip tongue. Baby seems frustrated and
tires after only one breast so has to eat every hour to get what he needs.
Has anyone else seen this behavior in tongue tied 4month olds?
Robin B. Frees, BA IBCLC Malvern PA