Last month at our Beekeeping Association meeting I attended a side
presentation on a beekeeping trip to Austrailia and was intrigued by a few
points. It was slides and not video and I didn't get a chance to ask
questions about the technique and wether it is a common practice or just
one specific to a particular operator. I would appreciate a more detailed
explanation from anyone with experience using the technique.
        Basically the hive super had metal clips of some type that secured
the suppers together and hive inspections a done by tipping the whole hive
over. Apparently no lifting, one just spreads the supers and rights the
one being inspected, then tips the supoer back, and does the next one. I
assume the clips are reset and the whole hive us tipped back up.
        Associated with this was a dolly that would tip the hive over onto
a type of stand. Again, no lifting. Sorry of the assci, but it gives the
idea (assuming you are using a fixed font).
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        This would be impratical I would think for a hive 6 or 7 super
        Any Autrailian beekeepers out there willing to comment?
                Jim Moore