I'm a hobbyist with two hives in the back yard, a dog and lots of cats.  The dog
and cats get along fine.  They ignore the bees.
I got into beekeeping a few years back when a swarm decided to take-up residence
in the wall of our barn. A neighbor gave me an old hive body and frames, and
told me how to set the box up next to where the bees were coming-and-going.  It
worked great.  My dog was with me when I took the box down.  Of course, I lost
my balance coming down the ladder, and dropped the box.  The dog came over to
investigate.  It only took him a few seconds to realize his mistake.  He headed
straight for the back door of the house.  15 seconds later, the wife and kids
came screaming out the front door.  He didn't go near me the rest of the day,
and as I recall, neither did my wife.
Ed Kear
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