Mail*Link(r) SMTP               FWD>AUXNET: Auxiliary Information
Contents of this message:
        Address Correction
        NACON 1997
        Qualification Carryover 1996-1997
        CGAUX-31: Electronic Versions
        National Web Pages
     A change in the address provided last month for sending reports of
Auxiliary events and activities for inclusion in the monthly report to the
Commandant: reports should go to Tom Masters, N-AP, P.O. Box 6, Redondo
Beach, CA 90277
***NACON 1997***
     Plans are being made, preparations are underway, and all that is
needed now is YOU -- to join us in Dallas for our National Conference
(NACON) for 1997!  The dates are 4-6 September 1997.  The Grand Kempinski
Hotel, a European-style hotel, is a very fine setting for our meetings and
easily accessible to many extra attractions.  Lots of activities are
planned and with you in mind!  This conference is the best way for you to
learn more about what is happening on the National level, attend some
training sessions, have some FUN, and meet Auxiliarists from all across
the nation!
     Details will be forthcoming in the next issue of THE NAVIGATOR but
advance information and registration forms are available electronically:
On the Internet:
      (Word for Windows)
      (WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS)
      (Adobe Acrobat)
On the Auxiliary BBS:
   nacon97.doc (Word for Windows)
   nacon97.wp5 (WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS)
   nacon97.pdf (Adobe Acrobat)
     Due to the transition from AUXMIS to AUXMIS II, the qualifications of
some Auxiliarists were dropped even though the members performed their
annual requirements in 1996.  To avoid having to review each record
manually to determine program qualifications for 1997, the qualifications
of most Auxiliarists will be automatically carried over for 1997.
     However, Auxiliarists qualified in Operations for 1996 (i.e.,
Auxiliarists certified as Coxswain, Crewman, Radio Operator, Pilot,
Co-Pilot, Aircraft Commander, Air Observer), whose qualification was
dropped during the transition, will not be automatically qualified for
1997.  The director's office must review and verify the records for those
Auxiliarists prior to the director certifying them to work in operations
for 1997.
     Several unofficial electronic versions of CGAUX-31 are available that
make the process of filling out this form considerably easier.
     For Microsoft Word for Windows, there is a fully automated facsimile
of CGAUX-31 that keeps track of member name and number as well as the
sequential number of reports filled out for each member.  It also
automatically totals the hours entered on the form and provides warnings
when the total number of hours approaches 99.  Further information is
available on the Internet from or from the Auxiliary
BBS in the file cgaux-31.txt
     There is also a blank CGAUX-31 that can be filled out using
WordPerfect 6.0, though that form does not keep track of data or calculate
totals.  The file is available at
     If you are a professional Web page designer, have graphics skills,
and would be willing to provide advice on the graphics design of the
Auxiliary's forthcoming national Web pages, please contact me at the
e-mail address below.
                      Tony Morris, DC-Id
                      [log in to unmask]
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Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 17:35:39 -0500 (EST)
From: Tony Morris <[log in to unmask]>
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Subject: AUXNET: Auxiliary Information
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