CVZ>From: Chris van Zyl <[log in to unmask]>
   >Date:         Sun, 23 Mar 1997 08:14:02 +0000
   >Subject:      HONEY INSTEAD OF SUGAR
CVZ>Is it possible to use honey instead of sugar when baking.
CVZ>We regularly make bran muffins and would like to know how to
   >substitute the sugar with honey.
   >Chris van Zyl
   >Progro Consultancy - Port Elizabeth - South Africa
Hi Chris,
Reduce other liquid ingredients, and lower cooking temps, with these
two hints I have not found 'any' recipes that pure honey can not be
substituted for the sweeteners what ever they bee. Dark honey or honey
that turns dark because of age and temp makes a good replacement for
molasses. Even chocolate can be sweetened with honey. Nothing matches
hot chocolate made with unsweetened chocolate and real orange honey.
Pumpkin pie, ice cream, or beans, you name it, it all tastes as good or
better when honey is the only sweetener after all sugars are just honey
substitutes anyway aren't they..
                          ttul Andy-
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