This is just a quickie update for all of you who shared your wisdom with
that IFTT baby about 5 weeks ago.  He was the one who had lost 15% of bw by
10 days, mom's nipples flat, very sleepy baby.  Anyway, the mom just called
me (6 weeks PP) to gushingly say thank you.  They have relocated to the
other side of the state and she just wanted to let me know what happened
with them.  Basically, I went over to their house daily for a week (brought
along a co-Leader for at least one visit).  It's a great success
story--perserverence (mom's, dad's, baby's, and mine) plus shells,
Haberman, and a Nurture III pump really helped the situation.  They are
completely on the breast and baby is over 10 pounds (bw was 6lbs 10 oz).
It's so great to see the tears turn to sheer delight that "they CAN do it."
This mother now feels truly empowered, and she'll need it because they are
moving yet again in 2 weeks (husband's job).

: )Chris Hafner-Eaton, PhD, MPH, CHES, IBCLC  email: [log in to unmask]  : )
: )HSR & Health Educational Consultant        voice/fax: 541 753 7340   : )
: )             **CHANGE THE WORLD, NURTURE A CHILD!**
: )   :  )   : )  : )   :  )   : )  : )   :  )   : )  : )   :  )   : )  : )