I have a Mom that I first started helping 41/2 months ago when she had her 37
week twins weighing 41/2 and 5 pounds.  Our first problem was dealing with
Mom's 38J breasts but we managed to work thru that and the girls are doing
great.  Both weigh in at over twelve pounds.  Mom called Friday asking first
about decreased milk supply and then went on to tell me that at least once a
day but sometimes more often she experiences palpitations, hot flashes, and
uterine cramping when she letsdown.  She was pre-eclamptic before delivery
but her BP is fine now.  MD couldn't give her an explanation for her current
symptoms although he did order an EKG which was normal. Mom is a very
dedicated breastfeeder and doesn't want to wean.  Any suggestions or insight
into her complaint would be greatly appreciated.

Mary Roney IBCLC in Indianapolis