I spent most of the morning catching up on lactnet digests and I thought I'd
let the group know what's happening with me. Someone said it may be the first
LC related work injury in history.
On Feb. 3rd, I was helping a mom latch her baby on. The older child became
upset that I was touching his baby sister. I'm still not sure how it happened
but the toddler wrapped his legs around my bad leg and dad tried to pull him
off. The next thing I knew I was on the floor!  I haven't been back to work
This incident was the  straw that broke the camel's back. My prosthesis is
I am scheduled for my 4th total hip revision on April 23rd. They will be
replacing only the socket component but I almost died from this same surgery
4 years ago. (Old timers will remember the 22 units of blood and the endless
body casts!) I am not looking forward to this but am thankful for all the
email I have received.
I am trapped in my bedroom and afraid to go out of the house because my hip
dislocates so easily and am on tons of pain medication.
Thank you for all the kind words, I'll keep you posted.
Marie Davis RN, IBCLC