To help Moms who are eliminating dairy ; missing ice cream ,pizza, cakes,
etc. There are plenty of foods out there that are dairyless, unfortunately I
have not found any fig bars that are dairy-free-they all have whey, or
non-fat dried milk, etc.
THE MILK-Free Kitchen: living well without dairy products by Beth Kidder
The Compassionate Cook - PETA
Mother nature's Garden ; healthy vegan cooking - Florence Bienenfeld

Nearly any Asian cookbook will have nondairy recipes. Prego pasta sauces
usually have no dairy (Ragu and many others do), Tofutti Chocolate Supreme
fooled my mother-in;law, a huge chocolate ice cream fan, and Veganrella is a
brazil nut "cheese" which melts nicely to make homemade pizza, lagagna, etc.
Many pizza places near me make delicious pies without any cheese. Also Kosher
foods with a U in an O, or the word pareve, contain no meat/dairy. This makes
it easier to buy stuff at the supermarket, breads, cake mixes, cookies, etc,
without reading all the ingredients. Most Duncan Hines mixes are dairy free
and most Sunshine cookies are as well. Dairy is HUGE in this culture but it's
not that hard to eat well without it once one knows what the options are.
Hershey's dark chocloate is nondairy too. Both my children and I are all
dairyfree. I am by choice, my son got a raging ear infection after a little
glass of milk and the pediatrician regognized those "allergic shiners" under
his eyes, and my daughter we keep off dairy for good measure. Husband eats
whatever he wants, but will eat any nondairy meal or make one, too. Good
luck. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Judy ,dairy free in
Brooklyn, NY, where the options are many