Dear Lactnetters,

A lovely mother who came to me with persistant yeast for the past month (baby
is 6 weeks old) tried gentian violet at my suggestion.  Had been using
nystatin faithfully on baby and herself, boiling and scrubbing everything.
 By the second application on her nipples she had broken out in SEVERE HIVES
everywhere on her body! (palms of her hands, soles of her feet, ---
EVERYWHERE) She stopped using it immediately and is seeing the doctor and
going to try diflucan now.

Has anyone else seen an allergic reaction like this to gentian violet?

It was such a severe reaction I want to know where else she might ever come
in contact with it in the future.  Like the latex or peanut allergies, people
need to know everywhere they might be exposed to this.

Does anyone know of any other uses other than in labs as a dye?

Jane Bradshaw RN, BSN, IBCLC
Lynchburg, VA