Hi to all,

We had a mom, 8 days postpartum, come to our meeting today.  She had a series
of problems so I took her aside to see what I could see.  She had very large
breasts with flat nipples.  She had been given very good and accurate help in
the hospital and had been given hobbit shells to wear before the baby even
came.  She is wearing these sporadically as she can't stand the leaking they

So, I tried to show her the exercises, she had a violent reaction, feels
immediately nauseated and dizzy (I've never seen vertigo, but I would say it
looks alot like the expression/reaction she had).  Any kind of touching
exercises like that.  MIL says she understands this gal has been like this
all her life.  Very sensitive in the breast region.  Aside from sexual abuse,
has anyone heard of this and what helped?

Even tho they had great help in the hospital MIL says lots of bottles too
which makes me wonder if this gal really wants to bf.  MIL "totally bf" all 4
of her kids.  I got lots of arguments as to why can't/won't do this or that
and she's in alot of pain.  Had cracking as of yesterday which was the first
day totally bfing.  She was taught how to use her pointer finger to make a
ridge from underneath and the baby looked to latch on/nurse great.  But lots
of pain and overwhelmed mama.

Appreciate any thoughts.

Mia Hernandez
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