Daniel D. Dempsey wrote:
> I have a single deep hive that was treated with Apistan, Grease Patty, 1
> treatment of T25 and sugar and also received a gal. of  2:to1: syrup with
> wintergreen  last Fall.
>  I checked it 2 weeks ago and it was building slow, today it is in decline
> with patches of sealed brood that did not look  rite when you open them they
> have a thick light brown gob that was the larvae.  It will pull out to about
> 1/2 Inch, There is NO smell like AFB. We had 2 cold mornings down to 28F
> last week.  There are eggs in open cells among the brood patches. Before I
> put the match to it does any one have any idea what this may be?
        Hi Daniel,
        As Joel said, don't burn it yet. However, AFB may be the cause even though
there is no odor. Usually only real bad infections of that disease have much odor,
especially if you have not smelled it before. I don't know how it works but the more
you are around it (as when working as inspector) the more sensitive your sniffer gets
to it.
         Any way "thick light brown gob that was the larvae" isn't enough info for a
diagnosis. I would like you to get back in there again and: 1) Take a sample of the
dead larvae. With a toothpick, scoop some of the remains of several typical dead
larvae and wipe them onto a paper. Fold the paper and send to the Beltsville lab for
examination. 2) Make some more detailed observations. Are there scales (dried larval
remains) present? If so, can you remove them without damaging the cell? Are the
patches of dead larvae on the same frames as the cluster? Are they within the cluster
area or just outside? Are there signs of disentary? Describe the dead larvae that are
not yet brown. Are they complete or just pieces? Is sac brood a possibility?