Today attended a women's nutrition conference on "Healthy Women 2000" by the
US Public Health Services's Office on Women's Health and the US Dept of
Agriculture, held at the Congressional office bldg, downtown Washington DC.
One of the speakers mentioned lactation as a factor affecting breast cancer
rates. I was glad to hear that lactation was included here. The keynote
address was by the US Dept of Agriculture Secretary, The Honorable Dan
Glickman. He spoke very eloquently on factors affecting nutrition. Part of
his speech was about the need to encourage and support breastfeeding (yea!),
he told of a toddler who was so very healthy, having had no illnesses so far,
due to the support and encouragement by the local WIC office staff for the
mother to breastfeed. Now here is someone in a powerful position that is a
breastfeeding advocate. I am going to tract down his email or office address
and send him a note of appreciation. For anyone out there who is organizing a
large conference, you should figure out how to secure Mr. Glickman as a
speaker. Anyone else heard of any previous displays of his obviously
enthusiastic support of breastfeeding? WHAT should we do to foster and
utilize this support?
