I am surprised to see the Ezzo's name mentioned on Lactnet. I went to an
Ezzo's parenting seminar when my little daughter Laurie Beth (now 10) was
a year old. I remember how amused I was when he told me my method of feeding
(demand feeding) would cause "severe behavioral problems" later on.  I
observed some parents trying to follow his ideas with varying degrees of
success. For the most part, the mothers I knew would give lip service to
his ideas, simply because it seemed that "everyone was doing it" but in
reality, they would give their baby a quiet feeding when he or she was
crying for one, and just not tell anybody. To give Ezzo his due, I think
it *is* important for parents to be in control and to, without apology,
decide for themselves what is best for the baby. I decided my child had
to sleep 6 hours in a row when she was a year, and I made that happen. It's
wrong for the mom to feel enslaved to the baby, but I believe she can
demand feed and still be in control. I always felt that I was in control,
because I decided to demand feed. I decided to let the baby tell me when she
was hungry. However, the Ezzos don't seem to believe that the breast fills
to the degree it is emptied, and that was where we parted company. I
challenged him to show me even one study that explained how the breast
could fill properly without being emptied regularly -- and he was unable to
do so.

It seems so long ago I went to that seminar! I am surprised to learn he is
still giving them.

Anne Pfannkoch in NJ