I've not posted to Lactnet before but with all the discussion of Ezzo's I
couldn't resist passing the following experiment that a midwife friend of
mine came up with.  This is being posted with permission.

"... I devised an experiment that should be mandatory for all Ezzo wannabe parents.  Keep in mind that I am not a "slave" to my children.  We have
nine of them, so I do
believe in balancing needs and teaching patience.  I also believe that
trust relationships shape a person's future spiritual and intellectual
abilities.  We learn love and trust from our earliest caregivers.  It
up our ability to connect to the higher power and leads us to creative
thoughtful adult decision making.  I know, I know - I am preaching to the
choir.  Here it is.  Sorry for the length.

1. The experiement requires two parents; one to be the "caregiver" and one
to be the "baby".
2.  Pregnant women or persons with marginal health should not be  the
"baby".  Ideally the parents should both try this experiment before
pregnancy so they can decide if they really want to have a baby.
3.  The experiment requires three days.  This is not too much time to
to understanding an experieince your child will endure for several
Do it over a long weekend.  You should still be able to attend Sunday
services while doing the experiment.  Just go late and leave early so you
don't need to talk to anyone.
4.  The "baby" will be fed at only six hour intervals three times a day.
This is longer than the Ezzos recommend but, as an adult with adult
metabolism,  the "baby" should have the ability to wait six hours during
day and to fast overnight.  The "baby" will be given five minutes only to
eat the plate of food that is provided.  At the end of five minutes, the
plate must be removed.  The "baby" must eat the food with the
hand using only a spoon.  (A newborn may have trouble with latching on,
early breastfeeding,and getting enough milk in timed feedings)
5.  The "caregiver" may not speak to the "baby" in any language that the
"baby" is fluent in.  The caregiver can speak in an unknown tounge or use
sounds and touches to communicate to the "baby".  No sign language.   The
"baby" may not speak for the entire three days.  The only way the baby
communicate with the caregiver is by tapping a pencil.  The "baby" can
attempt to signal the caregiver by varying the tapping but is not allowed
write, point, or gesture.  Be careful not to break  or drop the pencil as
you only get one.   All the crying (I mean tapping) could make you hoarse
mean drop your pencil).
6. The caregiver should plan another activity for the three days of the
experiment.  It should be a time consuming activity that will require
considerable attention.  It should be considered a priority,  allowing
caregiver only the time needed to prepare the food, move (walk)  the
from place to place, provide clothing (the baby can dress himself - too
with an adult) and take the "baby" to the bathroom (about once every three
hours during the day).  For two short periods a day, the caregiver can
with the "baby".  Otherwise, the "baby" must wait  where the caregiver
placed him and in about the same position.  If the "baby" gets
, he can tap his pencil and hope that the caregiver will be able to figure
out the problem.  If the "baby" gets hungry,  he can tap the pencil.  It
should be noted that hunger pain, no matter how severe, is considered
and will help the "baby" to recognize who he is dependent on.
7.  The "baby" should be put to bed in a seperate room from the caregiver
shortly after the last meal of the day.  The "baby" should tap the pencil
he has any nightime needs but he may not be fed or taken out of bed.
Loneliness at night is a normal part of the experience.   You can use a
monitor so you will be sure to hear the tappingf.  If you can't sleep
all the tapping, just turn off the monitor.  It would be wise to take the
"baby" to the bathroom before bed so there won't be any accidents.
8.  Do not be tempted to end the experiment before the three days are up.
This will be considered a failure and may have long lasting implications.
Above all, do not let anyone outside the system, baby expert or not, try
talk you out of continuing.  After all, you are only doing what is
8.  If  the "baby" should have any profound personal or spiritual
during the time of the experiment, he should be sure to remember them. He
can write them down at the end of the three days. (That is, if there is
pencil left.)"

Thanks for letting me share this.  I am a long time La Leche League
Leader and I find it very sad that the Ezzo's have decided that they are
the experts which is leading many parents astray and many babies into
life threatening situations.

Feel free to email me with you thoughts on this.  My friend is also interested in seeing your responses.

Jan Rittenhouse, CCE
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